Bystrinsky Mining and Concentration Plant (Bystrinsky GOK) is the largest greenfield project in the Russian metals industry, located in a hard-to-reach area of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
The facility processes gold, copper and iron ores from the Bystrinskoye Deposit. Going forward, Bystrinsky GOK is processing ca. 10 mtpa of ore. Increasing the production while reducing fluctuation was the biggest wish of the client in this project.
SMCS has replaced another advanced control system and could increase the production by 1.6%, decrease the feed fluctuation by around 30% and reduce the CO2 emission by more than 550 tons per year. The full commissioning and implementation of the SMCS took around 4 months. Two site visits of one week each and the rest of the work has been done remotely.
OPTECS should also thank great cooperation, professionalism and hospitality of GRKB staff and colleagues.